martes, 31 de octubre de 2017

A Photograph I Like

Well a photo that i really like, in this photo was two little girls, one is my sister and the another person was me, this photograph was taken for my mom I supposed, likes on 19 years ago.
My sister was looking the camera and she supported on my cradle, and me, I was a little baby and I didn’t know what happened, I just only slept. I love this photo because when I look, I imagine this age, and it’s really difficult think that I was this baby and for the another mini-giant person, my sister, that is next to me, thinking about the situation.

she is a very important person to me, we are very different persons although we grew up together, she knows me like nobody else, and the point, this photo shows our relations I think, she always protects me, and the moment that was started when I was only a baby.

martes, 24 de octubre de 2017

The skill that i admire

Resultado de imagen para lemon pieHello there, the activity that I admire is the cooking, because I think it is really important for the humanity, it is obviously necessary eat, and the persons that provides the food with a delicious flavor I believe that they are the best persons in the world!
Resultado de imagen para burned foodMy mom is good at cooking, and I love the food that she does, she always cooked sweet food, like cakes, lemon pie, or kuchen, but for any reason I can cook some things, but the flavor that my mom gives to the food is really special and sometimes I burnt my food and I am a disaster because I mess up the kitchen dirty all there.
I admire the chefs that works on restaurants, they could be fast and be able to do many things on the same time, they can cook different dishes, and all are delicious.
I hope to learn to cook good dishes for lunch, because now I can prepare rice but it is bored, and I don't like so much the rice.

martes, 17 de octubre de 2017

An artist to the public space

Resultado de imagen para pato de hule gigante desinfladoWell, the past semester I wrote about my dream Job, and now I tell us the another thing that I hope learn some day, be an artist

This semester I learn about the public space artists, intervention on public spaces and of this way you can mix the architecture with the arts, and it really interested me because the principal characteristic is on the public space.
Imagen relacionada
Like an artist you can travel a lot if your interventions are really interesting or if it can copy on different cities, because the intervention can origin for the specific place or maybe not and you can show the same intervention on many countries like the giant rubber dick, but I don´t really like this kind of intervention because is only a “image” it not has a singular purpose.
Now i'm studying architecture and maybe in the future i've a major on arts to compliment my future job with this area, and make interventions probably on Santiago, because is a place that I know and I´d like to show really interventions, with a singular message  
I´d never think the possibility to study arts, but now in the career, I think that it´s very probably for my future, this job is like arts but in the same way It´s perfect to complement the architecture and the public space

martes, 10 de octubre de 2017


A friend, is a person who you can trust for anything, in the best or the worst moments on your life, I don´t have many friends, because the friends that I have are really life friends, not “fiends” like a simple person that I meet two weeks ago, my friends was persons that I meet like more than 5 years ago, and with them I live many different situations.
Resultado de imagen para eso es lo que hacen los amigosIn my life my friends had an important place. I remember that in the past i stayed all day with them, in the school, now y usually spend my day on the university but always send message for know what’s up in them lifes, or usually I send memes, but I try to don’t lost the contact, and I know that they can read me when I need it.
The special thing about my friends is that when I was meet them, I never had the idea the important persons that became on my life,  for example with one of my best friends, the reason that I meet her was for a fight that she has with another girl, and speaking about things, I found similar things between us, and nowadays is like a sister.

In general the most that I like for my friends is that we can speak about anythings, the support and finally the great sense of humor, this are things that make a difference