martes, 10 de octubre de 2017


A friend, is a person who you can trust for anything, in the best or the worst moments on your life, I don´t have many friends, because the friends that I have are really life friends, not “fiends” like a simple person that I meet two weeks ago, my friends was persons that I meet like more than 5 years ago, and with them I live many different situations.
Resultado de imagen para eso es lo que hacen los amigosIn my life my friends had an important place. I remember that in the past i stayed all day with them, in the school, now y usually spend my day on the university but always send message for know what’s up in them lifes, or usually I send memes, but I try to don’t lost the contact, and I know that they can read me when I need it.
The special thing about my friends is that when I was meet them, I never had the idea the important persons that became on my life,  for example with one of my best friends, the reason that I meet her was for a fight that she has with another girl, and speaking about things, I found similar things between us, and nowadays is like a sister.

In general the most that I like for my friends is that we can speak about anythings, the support and finally the great sense of humor, this are things that make a difference  

1 comentario:

  1. Hahaha with one of my best friends I also meet them from a fight, but he doesn't hit me hehehe
