martes, 9 de mayo de 2017

My dream Work.

Resultado de imagen para historia de un oso

I liked drawing so much, i don´t remember when I began, in the school I had arts class until eighth grade, I was quiet good at artsI like photography and the computer technology, i usually play video games, so I believe that my dream job is a computer graphics designYou can work from an office or from your home, you can do animation alone or in group, but it's many work for a one person, in a simple day you can animate until 5 minutes.I was really interested in the digital animation, but a friend told me that you didn´t study the profession it’s only the practice. Now I’m study architecture, but I hope someday learn digital animation.You travel a lot if you go to animation festivals like Cannes... but In general you spend a lot of time in front of a computer.With this job you can edit from photography to movies, made special effects, short animations, stop motion, games etc.
It'sa hard work but I belive that if i have a goal about comunication, if you want express relevants ideas, is the way, like "Historia de un oso", is a chilean short animation that the  principal idea was express the exile from a bear, the story was dedicate to writer's grandfather, it was very planned expresses indirectly the dictatorship chilean.

1 comentario:

  1. My dream work is be an spacial architect hehe but, if you wanna work with me in the future, we can to do animations been to space hehehe of course, when I learn use the computer and those programs. All for you baby! <3
