sábado, 29 de abril de 2017

Like an architects.

My profession, I'm architecture student...
Resultado de imagen para sanaa gifuThe architecture is a singular profession because it have many areas, the architecture it's not only construction, you can be an design architect or a urbanist architect, i think that this profession mix the creativity and the reazoning.
The architects should be informate people, if you know many areas it's better like the laws, politic, sustainability, the society, the things that happend day to day in our country like the world.
The architecture is very important, because if you are an architect you will think all details. First, you will think in the persons will live in your projects. The people in the architecture are like the sea for a boat, we deseign for them.
The architecture in the society can include people, a good project is not only beautiful design but a good project have an important role to the society, the proyects have goals, whith them we the architects, mold the space and our time.
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I choose architecture because have a link with the creativity, i like so much draw, and i thinked choose desing, but i made a fast election and risk my future, but i belive that was the better election, now day to day love more my profession, the participation that the architect have  in the society is special, we work in the silence.

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