martes, 17 de octubre de 2017

An artist to the public space

Resultado de imagen para pato de hule gigante desinfladoWell, the past semester I wrote about my dream Job, and now I tell us the another thing that I hope learn some day, be an artist

This semester I learn about the public space artists, intervention on public spaces and of this way you can mix the architecture with the arts, and it really interested me because the principal characteristic is on the public space.
Imagen relacionada
Like an artist you can travel a lot if your interventions are really interesting or if it can copy on different cities, because the intervention can origin for the specific place or maybe not and you can show the same intervention on many countries like the giant rubber dick, but I don´t really like this kind of intervention because is only a “image” it not has a singular purpose.
Now i'm studying architecture and maybe in the future i've a major on arts to compliment my future job with this area, and make interventions probably on Santiago, because is a place that I know and I´d like to show really interventions, with a singular message  
I´d never think the possibility to study arts, but now in the career, I think that it´s very probably for my future, this job is like arts but in the same way It´s perfect to complement the architecture and the public space

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