martes, 31 de octubre de 2017

A Photograph I Like

Well a photo that i really like, in this photo was two little girls, one is my sister and the another person was me, this photograph was taken for my mom I supposed, likes on 19 years ago.
My sister was looking the camera and she supported on my cradle, and me, I was a little baby and I didn’t know what happened, I just only slept. I love this photo because when I look, I imagine this age, and it’s really difficult think that I was this baby and for the another mini-giant person, my sister, that is next to me, thinking about the situation.

she is a very important person to me, we are very different persons although we grew up together, she knows me like nobody else, and the point, this photo shows our relations I think, she always protects me, and the moment that was started when I was only a baby.

1 comentario:

  1. Nice that your photo can make you remember these things about your relationship with your sister.
