sábado, 29 de abril de 2017

Like an architects.

My profession, I'm architecture student...
Resultado de imagen para sanaa gifuThe architecture is a singular profession because it have many areas, the architecture it's not only construction, you can be an design architect or a urbanist architect, i think that this profession mix the creativity and the reazoning.
The architects should be informate people, if you know many areas it's better like the laws, politic, sustainability, the society, the things that happend day to day in our country like the world.
The architecture is very important, because if you are an architect you will think all details. First, you will think in the persons will live in your projects. The people in the architecture are like the sea for a boat, we deseign for them.
The architecture in the society can include people, a good project is not only beautiful design but a good project have an important role to the society, the proyects have goals, whith them we the architects, mold the space and our time.
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I choose architecture because have a link with the creativity, i like so much draw, and i thinked choose desing, but i made a fast election and risk my future, but i belive that was the better election, now day to day love more my profession, the participation that the architect have  in the society is special, we work in the silence.

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sábado, 22 de abril de 2017

A great concert.

I like going to concerts so much, well i have been since the 2013, yes 4 years, but in this short time, i went like 9 or 10  concerts.
I will talk about the last year, in September, when i went to a great concert at the Teatro la Cúpula In Santiago. I go to see Mac Demarco, and named it, because the place was small, and i was very near of the stage.

Well, Vernor Winfield McBriane Smith IV, His real name, is a canadience singer-songwriter, multinstrumentalist an producer. MacDemarco's Style is recognizable by its use of  flat drums, use of chorus and vibrato effects on the guitar  and generally lazy atmosphere as a soft rock.
He loves Viceroy cigarettes and even made a song about them "Ode to Viceroy" 

The concert was so amazing,before Mac Demarco'spresentation, two bands went to the stage, Patio Solar and Mild high Club, was funny, i like more Patio Solar. When he began singing the audience sang too, he was a very simple person, he was very funny too, he joke with the people all the presentation, and to the end the concert he jumped to the audience and we all together took him, it was really perfect.

viernes, 7 de abril de 2017

Me 1:1

No hay texto alternativo automático disponible.Hello, well, I start to say that I like so much sleep, but I'm architecture student  so, im sleeping a few hours for day, now like 3 or 4, im a beautyful raccoon hehe, i’m a simple person, i enjoy things like draw, see movies,take pictures,  go out with my Friends spend time with my family and pet.
Always wanted learn Paint with spray, make graffitys, one time i helped make a painted Wall, it was very funny. I have many Drawings notebooks, on the school i drew so much, the extensive class like religión was artistic time, i remember, i drew to my Friends and i made picture of them but on his faces i changed for stranger things, it was very funny, they stay still for a long time and in the end, i share the drawing and they laught. I love keep my notebooks because i can see my progress.

The movies that i enjoy are the psychological suspense,thriller, action and finally the animation, well in the future i hope learn animation, i like the idea to tell relevant stories through drawings.
In my 15th birthday i asked for a camera, i never take class, but internet helped me, now hardly ever i go out to takes pictures, in the city exist beautiful places but walk with a camera alone it's dangerous.
that's all for now...