viernes, 7 de abril de 2017

Me 1:1

No hay texto alternativo automático disponible.Hello, well, I start to say that I like so much sleep, but I'm architecture student  so, im sleeping a few hours for day, now like 3 or 4, im a beautyful raccoon hehe, i’m a simple person, i enjoy things like draw, see movies,take pictures,  go out with my Friends spend time with my family and pet.
Always wanted learn Paint with spray, make graffitys, one time i helped make a painted Wall, it was very funny. I have many Drawings notebooks, on the school i drew so much, the extensive class like religión was artistic time, i remember, i drew to my Friends and i made picture of them but on his faces i changed for stranger things, it was very funny, they stay still for a long time and in the end, i share the drawing and they laught. I love keep my notebooks because i can see my progress.

The movies that i enjoy are the psychological suspense,thriller, action and finally the animation, well in the future i hope learn animation, i like the idea to tell relevant stories through drawings.
In my 15th birthday i asked for a camera, i never take class, but internet helped me, now hardly ever i go out to takes pictures, in the city exist beautiful places but walk with a camera alone it's dangerous.
that's all for now...

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